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Enlightenment of Change

Jan 25, 2021

We all want to be as healthy as possible, but the sad truth is that a lot of us have issues in spite of our good intentions. Do you suffer from chronic disease, pain or weight-gain? Do you take prescription drugs you wish you didn’t need? Do you secretl

We are going to dig into this juicy topic - but remember...

Jan 18, 2021

Would you say you are a positive or negative thinker? You know, is your glass half full or empty? Think about your state of mind at the beginning and end of your day. Do you feel alive, happy, engaged and raring to go when you wake up? At night when you get into bed, do you look back on your day and think it was a good...

Jan 11, 2021

Is it easy for you to maintain your weight and feel vibrant and energized every day? Or do you feel like you are on the diet yo-yo plan and feel kind of icky most days? Our health is such an important component of us living the life we imagine and deserve, yet healthy eating and exercise don’t always fit into our...

Jan 4, 2021

Do you believe in reincarnation?  Do you think that your past lives may be impacting how you see and navigate the world around you in the present? Do you feel that understanding your past may enable your life choices today?  What if I told you that past-life exploration is not about the past, it’s about the present. ...