Nov 19, 2018
Connie’s Motivational Quote is by ~ Samuel Smiles
“The great lesson of biography is to show what man can be and do at his best.A noble life put fairly on record acts like an inspiration to others."
Perhaps you have been in your current position forever, maybe you are thinking about making a career change or starting a business, no matter the circumstance- shouldn't we all have an updated bio?
Think for a second, what would you include in a current bio? You maybe asking yourself, "Yikes, where do I begin?" You may feel that this would be a daunting task!
Today your host, Connie Whitman, speaks with Michele DeLima, Founder of Write Transformation, LLC. Michele DeLima helps purpose-driven entrepreneurs write hot copy that attracts clients they love.
Her excitement to empower others runs deep. Before creating Write Transformation in 2010, she was a senior portfolio manager at top international banks, helping startups to Fortune 500 multinationals tell their story and secure the millions they needed to grow and thrive.
Now, along with feeding her learning addiction via world-class marketing experts, her greatest delight is helping amazing private and group clients claim and express their purpose, passion and power through the written word. That way, they have more fun and success growing their business, and making the uplifting impact they desire.
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