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Enlightenment of Change

Aug 27, 2018

Connie‘s motivational song lyrics today is by the ― J. Geils Band

“You love her but she loves him
And he loves somebody else you just can’t win
And so it goes till the day you die
This thing they call love it’s gonna make you cry

I’ve had the blues the reds and the pinks
One thing for sure


Aug 20, 2018

Connie‘s motivational quote today is by, ― Jonathan Groff

“Just follow your joy. I think that if you do that, life will take you on the course that it’s meant to take you .” 

Don’t you just love words like, “joy,” and “happiness?”  Both are so full of energy and generate a wonderful feeling inside....

Aug 13, 2018

Connie’s Motivation quote today is by – Bill Bradley

“Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal, and help one another achieve respect.”

We’re faced daily with...

Aug 6, 2018

Connie’s motivational quote today is by, – Adam Carolla

The thing about a good podcast is you have to have a good host.If you don’t have a compelling host then you have nothing

Podcasts are all the rage…right?Many people prefer choosing podcasts with topics that interest them, versus other more...