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Enlightenment of Change

Jul 27, 2020


Connie’s motivational quotes for today is by Socrates

 "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”

When you hear the word change, what do you immediately feel?  Fear, excitement, uncertainty, all of the above?  Why is it when someone tells us that...

Jul 20, 2020


Connie’s motivational quotes for today is by Benjamin Franklin

 "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”

Have you ever wanted to write a book?  What would the topic be and the content within?  Wouldn't be exciting to be published and see your book in Barnes & Noble and on Amazon? Holy...

Jul 13, 2020


Connie’s motivational quotes for today is by Jeff Bezos

"When I'm old and dying, I plan to look back on my life and say wow, that was an adventure not, wow, I sure felt safe."

Clearly Mr. Bezos took a leap of faith and I'm quite sure he feels safe now.  But what about us people with careers or maybe just getting...

Jul 6, 2020

Connie’s motivational quotes for today is by

"Networking is not collecting contacts! Networking is about planting relations.”

Do you have an idea and not sure what to do with it?  Do you have a creative mind with tons of great ideas that never seem to see the light of day?  Why is that?  Is it because...