Sep 25, 2023
Connie's motivational quote for today is by – Albert Einstein, “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” Reflecting on my life and business, I have learned that All progress requires change. That is one of the reasons I started recording...
Sep 18, 2023
Connie's motivational quote for today is by – Nicole Snow, “A small business is an amazing way to serve and leave an impact on the world you live in.” When I started my career 40 years ago, I had no network. I didn’t even know why I needed to build a network of people who I could get to know and ultimately be...
Sep 11, 2023
Connie's motivational quote for today is by – Marianne Williamson, “You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be." I love this quote, and I believe that our minds are powerful tools to help us achieve our life’s desires. As long as we change our thoughts, our reality will...
Sep 4, 2023
Connie's motivational quote for today is by
– Theo Gold
“Communication is your ticket to success if you pay
attention and learn to do it effectively.” So, about
35 years ago, I was introduced to a communication behavioral model
called DiSC. My personal and professional life changed
I became obsessed...